Michael Croughan

Hon Treasurer

Email: mjcroughan@bsmt.org.uk


Michael Croughan, Edinburgh, BSMT Hon Treasurer, BSMT founder committee member joining in 1985

Michael started Medical Laboratory work in the Department of Medicine Liverpool University in 1959 followed by 40 years employment in the NHS starting at Liverpool Royal Infirmary in 1960. In 1968 he was appointed to a senior post at Victoria Central Hospital, Wallasey, Wirral.  In 1976 Michael was appointed to City Hospital Edinburgh as Head Biomedical Scientist of Clinical Microbiology and of the Scottish Mycobacteria Reference Laboratory.  In 1994, he took on the additional role as Head Biomedical Scientist of Clinical Microbiology at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.  Michael retired in 2000.