Deborah Karim
Deborah Karim BSc Hons, PGCE, PGDip, MSc, FIBMS - Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
BSMT member since 2022
After teaching Science for several years, Deborah joined the Public Health Laboratory Service at Luton in 2000. After becoming HCPC registered in 2002, Deborah completed her Masters in Medical Microbiology looking at the role of C. perfringens enterotoxin and C. difficile toxins in antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. In 2018 Deborah became the IT Lead for Microbiology and the subsequent merger with Bedford Hospitals. The Microbiology service moved from the old PHLS building at the Luton & Dunstable Hospital, to Bedford and Deborah is currently the lab manager at the service, specialising in Molecular Diagnostics and Serology/Virology.