Autumn Symposium 2015 To Screen or Not to Screen
Friday, 27 November 2015
Liverpool Maritime Museum
Professor Eric Bolton and Professor Brian Duerden chaired the meeting and topics and speakers included:
The Keynote speaker was Dr Helen Lee, Director of Research, School of Clinical Medicine, University of Cambridge
Dr Simon Goldenberg, Consultant Microbiologist, Guys & St Thomas'
C. difficile screening
Dr James W Gray, Consultant Microbiologist, Birmingham Children's Hospital
Ante-Natal screening
Dr Phillip Hay, Reader and Honorary Consultant in Sexual Health and HIV, St. George's Hospital
Chlamydia screening: Is it money well spent?
Dr James Anson, Clinical Microbiologist, Medical Director, Liverpool Clinical Laboratories
Innovative molecular diagnostics: use in acute diarrhoea and public health
Annette Jeanes, Director of Infection Prevention & Control, University College Hospital, London
The value of MRSA screening
Dr David Harvey, Medical Lead for Infection Prevention and Control, Wirral Hospital
Carbapenamase screening
Dr Jenny Harries, Regional Director South of England, Director PHE Ebola Screening and Returning Workers Programme
Viral haemorrhagic fever border screening: The experience of Ebola
Dr Julie Johnson, PHE Head of Operations for LondonEbola deployment in Sierra Leone - The experiences of the volunteers reviewed
We thank the following companies for their continuing support for the BSMT scientific meetings without which we would not be able to convene the meetings:
Becton Dickinson UK Limited
BioMérieux UK Ltd
Cepheid UK
Greiner Bio-One
Hain Lifesciences UK Ltd
Launch Diagnostics
Mast Group
Medical Wire and Equipment Co
Oxoid Ltd
Pro-Lab Diagnostics
R-Biopharm Rhone
Renishaw Diagnostics Ltd
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Ltd