About the Conferences

Trade show RAF Museum 2019

Trade show RAF Museum 2019
BSMT conferences are aimed at senior biomedical and clinical scientists, other scientists, medical microbiologists and other healthcare professionals. They are particularly relevant for bench microbiologists to provide up-to-date information about organisms and techniques especially with regard to new molecular technologies.
The 34th BSMT Annual Scientific Symposium was held at the RAF Museum in Hendon, the first time we had used this prestigious venue. It was a great success with the added bonus that delegates could visit the Museum afterwards. The theme of the meeting was respiratory microbiology and a striking feature was demonstrating the increasing disconnect between traditional culture based methods, which are still the mainstay of nearly all diagnostic microbiology labs for diagnosing infection, and the number of commercial molecular tests available.
Full use was made of the increased space available, which permitted a record attendance of 150 delegates and a greatly increased trade exhibition.
A comprehensive write-up was published in the August edition of Pathology in Practice and an overview appeared in The Biomedical Scientist.
See programmes, slides, reports and evaluation reports from past events