31st BSMT Annual Scientific Conference
Friday, 20 May 2016
31st BSMT Annual Scientific Conference: Friday 20 May 2016
Venue: Colindale, Public Health England (formerly Health Protection Agency)
Assessing the Impact of New Technology in Diagnostics on Global Epidemiology: How Laboratories make a Difference
The focus this year is on the relationship and relevance of microbiology laboratories, including virology, in identifying the spread of disease. The conference is aimed at senior biomedical and clinical scientists, other scientists and medical doctors.
Programme Summary
- Professor Eric Bolton, President of the BSMT
Introduction to the day - Professor Derrick Crook, Director of Microbiology, Public Health England
The role of the microbiology laboratory in the vision for a National Infection Service - Dr Kate Baker, Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridgeshire
Intercontinental dissemination of azithromycin-resistant shigellosis through sexual transmission: a cross sectional study - Dr Nick Loman, Independent Research Fellow, University of Birmingham
Disruptive technologies for pathogen diagnostics and epidemiology - Dr Matthew Donati, Consultant Medical Virologist, PHE Microbiology Services, Bristol
Personalised medicine: one sized medicine – it has all gone pear-shaped - Dr Gwenda Hughes, Head of Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) Surveillance at Public Health England Integration of public health microbiology into STI surveillance to improve health outcomes
- Professor Ian Goodfellow, Head of Virology, Addenbrookes Hospital, University of Cambridge
The role of new (and not so new) technologies in understanding the evolution and transmission of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone - Professor Matthew Baylis, Chair of Veterinary Epidemiology, Institute of Infection and Global Health, University of Liverpool
Epidemiology and entomology of the Zika virus outbreak - Professor Eric Bolton, President of the BSMT, and Professor Brian Duerden CBE chaired the conference
We are grateful to the following companies for supporting the meeting:
- Alpha Laboratories
- Becton Dickinson UK Limited
- Bioconnections
- Biomerieux UK
- Bruker UK Ltd
- Don Whitley Scientific Ltd
- Launch Diagnostics
- Mast Diagnostics
- Medical Wire & Equipment
- Oxoid Ltd (Thermofischer)
- Pro-Lab Diagnostics
- Werfen Ltd. (Instrumentation Laboratory)